Ohio Osteopathic Association (OOA) Scholar Specific

July 28, 2017

By Robert Hostoffer, DO; Brian Peppers, DO, PhD; Michael Rowane, DO

Accreditation Event/Webinar/Workshop Faculty Faculty Development Free Medical Student Practicing Physician Resident/Fellow Scholarship & Research

Scholar Series is a series of online video workshops offered by the Ohio Osteopathic Association (OOA) that focuses on the integration of scholarly research into osteopathic residency training programs to satisfy residency program requirements under the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) single accreditation system (SAS). 

“Scholar Specific” is the third set of videos in the OOA Scholar Series video workshop series. It specifically focuses on conducting research in osteopathic residency programs during the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) single accreditation system (SAS). 


  • 2017


  • Ohio Osteopathic Association (OOA)
