Students Share First-Hand Experience Serving Rural Communities, Attend Osteopathic Emergency Physician Conference and More

Published September 12, 2023

Campus Roundup Inside OME

Student doctor Pool standing on UNTHSCTCOM Campus

No Substitute for on-the-Job Experience in Healthcare

I’ve learned more in the last five days than I had over the last year. Don’t get me wrong, being in medical school is no joke, and the hours I’ve spent in the classroom are undoubtedly valuable, but it is nothing compared to being on the job.

I just finished my first year at the University of North Texas Health Science Center-Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine (UNTHSC/TCOM), and I have digested a mountain of information as all medical students must. Still, I had little experience seeing or treating real people with real needs. All of that changed during one week of my summer break.

In serving the rural communities around Alpine, Texas, my peers and I saw a total of 122 patients. The stats are astounding, and I would like to share them. On our first day in Van Horn, we saw 16 patients, or 0.82 percent of the population.

Read more about student doctor Jade Pool’s experience serving rural Texas communities.

Student practices inserting a chest tube

VCOM-Virginia Students Attend ACOEP Conference, Participate in Chest Tube Workshop

Photo: Mehar Nasir '27 practicing her skills at the workshop.

A few Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine Virginia Campus (VCOM-Virginia) second-year students recently took a trip to an American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians (ACOEP) conference where they participated in hands-on learning experiences to strengthen their chest tube techniques using realistic models. After the conference, Meaghan Gilbert, ACOEP president, and four second-year ACOEP members partnered with VCOM-Virginia to host a chest tube workshop offering their newfound knowledge to current students. View more photos from VCOM-Virginia’s Facebook.

Students learn about sonography

VCOM-Auburn Hosts Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma (FAST) Workshop with Dr. Jordan Nickols

Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine Auburn Campus (VCOM-Auburn)’s Student Osteopathic Surgical Association members hosted a Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma (FAST) workshop in the osteopathic medical manipulation lab on August 30, 2023. Jordan Nickols, DO, presented and guided the workshop, providing VCOM-Auburn students with hands-on experience using ultrasound machines. The workshop featured a live demonstration from an internal medicine specialist proficient in point-of-care ultrasound and offered valuable insights into optimizing views of the abdominal cavity. This workshop was an opportunity for VCOM-Auburn students to deepen their diagnostic skills and advance their medical education. View more photos from the event on VCOM-Auburn’s Facebook.

FMMS and CHSU-COM Host Addiction Medicine Event

CHSUCOM Overdose Preventation Task Force group photo

Photo: CHSU-COM second- and third-year student members of the Overdose Prevention Task Force at the addiction medicine event.

The Fresno Madera Medical Society (FMMS) and the California Health Sciences University College of Osteopathic Medicine (CHSU-COM) organized a continuing medical education event on addiction medicine at the CHSU-COM campus. The event was hosted in collaboration with several local organizations, including the Central Valley Opioid Safety Coalition, California Bridge, Community Regional Medical Center and the University of California San Francisco at Fresno, California. More than 200 prescribers attended the hybrid event (in-person and virtual).

The event provided a comprehensive overview of Medication Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder and the use of naloxone in managing opioid overdoses. The event brought together experts in the field to discuss best practices, alternative approaches to opioids, motivational interviewing techniques and the role of substance use navigators. Read more about the event including panelists and exhibitors.

VCOM-Carolinas Says Farewell to Ron Januchowski, DO, Associate Dean for Curriculum, Assessment and Medical Education

VCOM Carolinas Dean gives farewell speech

Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine Carolinas Campus (VCOM-Carolinas) faculty and staff said goodbye to Associate Dean for Curriculum, Assessment and Medical Education Ron Januchowski, DO, at the DuPre House in Spartanburg, South Carolina, yesterday. Dr. Januchowski is moving on to VCOM-Virginia, where he will take over as dean. View more photos from the farewell on VCOM-Carolinas’ Facebook.

VCOM-Louisiana Students Tailgate at ULM Football Game

VCOM Louisiana students enjoying the outdoors during the tailgate

With the end of Blocks 1 and 5 quickly approaching, Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine Louisiana Campus (VCOM-Louisiana) students took a break from studying for a few hours to enjoy tailgating festivities before the University of Louisiana Monroe (ULM)’s home opener football game against Army. Some students cooked hamburgers, brats and pasta jambalaya while others participated in games of corn hole and spike ball. 

Caption for photo: VCOM-Louisiana students participated in tailgating festivities before the ULM football game.