AOGME Member Activities, Collegium of Fellows Application Cycle Opens

Published August 27, 2019

2019 AOGME Chair

August 27, 2019

AOGME continues to be active and visible in national organizations and initiatives such as the National Collaborative for Improving the Clinical Learning Environment (NCICLE). AOGME’s representatives on NCICLE, Drs. Olivia Ojano Sheehan (Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine) and Sandra Snyder (Cleveland Clinic) attended the NCICLE workshop on August 18, 2019 in Minneapolis, MN. Invited representatives from various professional organizations and associations in medicine, health professions and accreditation engaged in small group discussions on three topics: integrating inter-professional learning and collaborative care into the strategic plan, ensuring ongoing inter-professional input, and moving from the what to the how of building team-oriented structure from the hospitals and clinics perspective. One of the highlights of the workshop was the discussion of actionable items that participants can bring to their organizations and associations, which will be reflected in a future official report from NCICLE.

AOGME is also pleased to have two members, Brandon Issacs, DO and Shawn Hamm, DO, represent the first AOGME team at the 2019 COM Day on Capitol Hill on October 16-17. This event is AACOM's annual advocacy day for osteopathic medical school/campus deans, OGME leaders, and designated representatives to meet with their lawmakers in Washington, DC about federal policy issues affecting the osteopathic medical education community.

2020 Collegium of Fellows Cycle

We are excited to launch the 2020 Collegium of Fellows application cycle. This year, the Collegium application process was revised to ensure relevance for the new environment with the single GME accreditation system. We are also happy to offer an online application option for a simpler option to complete the application. On August 28 at 4:00 PM ET, Harald Lausen, DO, Chair of the AOGME Collegium of Fellows, will present a webinar reviewing the history of the Collegium and discussing the 2020 application process. Register for the webinar.

Register for the AOGME GME Leadership Development Program

As a reminder, the AOGME Graduate Medical Education Leadership Development Program (GME-LDP) is now open for registration. The GME-LDP is a hybrid of live webinars (also offered asynchronously) and a one-day, in-person workshop. The program will include group discussions, case studies, role playing, interactive exercises, and presentations to help build and support your professional and personal growth. GME-LDP will provide you with new tools and leave you looking at your role through a widened lens. Register today!

AOGME Activities at Education Leaders 2020: The AACOM Annual Conference

Educating Leaders 2020: The AACOM Annual conference will be held on March 25-27, 2020 in Washington, DC. AOGME is planning several activities, including an AOGME track/block that will include: an update on the new ACGME common program requirements, Osteopathic Recognition, Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER), a panel featuring best practices on Osteopathic Recognition, GME finance and GME nuts and bolts. AOGME will host a new member welcome and Collegium information reception, along with the membership luncheon, Chair’s reception and more.

The AOGME Residents and Fellows Council (RFC) will host a leadership track on Friday, March 27, 2019. If you are a member of the Council, respond to the RFC Executive Board’s survey on topics for the leadership track and committee involvement.

Renew your Membership Today!

Thank you to all who have renewed their 2019-2020 AOGME membership. If you have not renewed your membership, please take a moment to renew your membership to continue your access to member-only content, webinars, event discounts and more.

We would love to hear from you, please feel free to reach out to us at any time with direct inquires by emailing or calling us at 301-657-7881.

Thank you for your continued support,